Pokémon GO – Saiba como verificar os status de seu Pokémon na nova atualização!

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Pokémon GO – Saiba como verificar os status de seu Pokémon na nova atualização!

Por Márcio Jangarélli

Cada Pokémon tem três status IV diferentes, relacionados ao ataque, defesa e stamina. Um Pokémon pode ter um status IV entre 0 e 15, com um IV final (somado) de 45. Normalmente, a maioria dos players discutem o status IV listando os três status (15/15/15 seria um Pokémon perfeito e 0/0/0 seria o mais fraco possível) ou com a porcentagem baseada no IV total. Se um Pokémon começa com 8/8/8, ele teria uma porcentagem IV de 53,3% ou 24/45.

Ainda, existem duas linhas de diálogo que cada líder de time usa para falar sobre seu Pokémon, uma que mostra a porcentagem total de IV e a outra relacionada ao maior status individual desse Pokémon. Confira os diálogos abaixo:

Blanche – Team Mystic


Porcentagens de IV:


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!” – Porcentagem entre 80% e 100%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has certainly caught my attention.” – Porcentagem entre 67% e 79%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is above average.” – Porcentagem entre 51% e 66%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is not likely to make much headway in battle.” – Porcentagem entre 0% e 50%.


Status Individuais:


“I see that its best attribute is its [Ataque, Defesa ou HP]” – Para indicar o Status referente.


“Its stats exceed my calculations. It’s incredible!” – Pelo menos um dos IV é igual a 15.


“I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.” – Os valores de IV ficam entre 13 e 14.


“Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.” – Entre 8 e 12.


“Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion.” – Entre 0 e 7.

Candela – Team Valor


Porcentagem de IV:


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!” – 80-100%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!” – 67-79%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is a decent Pokemon” – 51-66%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) may not be great in battle, but I still like it!” – 0-50%.


Status Individuais


“Its [Ataque, Defesa ou HP] is its strongest feature,”, para indicar o Status.


“I’m blown away by its stats. WOW!” – 15.


“It’s got excellent stats! How exciting!” – 13 ou 14.


“Its stats indicate that in battle, it’ll get the job done.” – 8 a 12.


“Its stats don’t point to greatness in battle.” – 0 a7.

Spark – Team Instinct


Porcentagens IV:


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) looks like it can really battle with the best of them!” – 80-100%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is really strong!” – 67-79%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) is pretty decent!” – 51-66%.


“Overall, your (Pokemon Name) has room for improvement as far as battling goes.” – 0-50%.


Status Individuais:


“Its best quality is its Attack or HP or Defense.” – Para indicar o Status.


“Its stats are the best I’ve ever seen! No doubt about it!” – Igual a 15.


“Its stats are really strong! Impressive.” – 13 ou 14.


“It’s definitely got some good stats. Definitely!” – 8 a 12.


“Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.” – 0 a 7.

Veja também nossa galeria sobre Pokémon GO:

Fonte: ComicBook